President’s Message
On May 27 our country held its annual remembrance of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms, Memorial Day. This day is especially relevant to our family as both my Dad’s brother and my Mom’s brother lost their lives in the line of duty in WWII. June 6th was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Let us never forget those brave soldiers who stormed the beaches in Normandy and changed the course of world history in the name of preserving democracy.
Here we are in June and it’s the beginning of summer. Our chapter does not meet in June, July or August. The next Chapter meeting will be in September. The Weddell’s have graciously offered to open up their home and beautiful back yard to host the annual SAR Chapter Potluck BBQ. More to come on the details for the picnic and what potluck dishes are needed.
Next month, July 5-10, the annual NSSAR Congress is being held right here in our own back yard, Costa Mesa. Several of us in the Chapter have volunteered to fill the various needs required by the Congress. This will be the first Congress that I’ve attended and it should be very interesting. Many thanks to Kevin Forrest for volunteering to head up our Color Guard Unit. I’m in the process of putting together my uniform. We still need at least one more member to be a functioning unit.
Have a great summer!
In Patriotism
R. Scott Whitman
South Coast Chapter Color Guard

Good News Compatriots – the South Coast Chapter Color Guard is coming back. We are currently looking for members that are interested in joining the Color Guard. Our goal is to have 4-5 standing members with some alternates, as we will need to have at least 3 members present to take part in any official events.
Our chapter uses the original (1775-1778) Continental Marine Uniform, consisting of a Green Coat w/ white facing and lining, white waistcoat, shirt breeches and stocking and the Black Round Hat.
Anyone interested in joining or if there are any questions, please feel free to contact Kevin at
South Coast Chapter News
May Dinner Meeting: The guest speaker for our May Dinner Meeting was author and lecturer Doug Westfall. Doug Westfall spoke on the history of the Rancho Lands of Orange County. Doug Westfall is shown below receiving our Certificate of Appreciation.

Chapter Registrar, Leon Smith, presented to Chapter Vice President, Steven Steinberg, a supplemental certificate for Stevens’ patriot ancestor John Board who furnished supplies to the Revolutionary War effort. This is compatriot Steven Steinberg’s’ seventh supplemental certificate.

At the dinner meeting, Registrar Leon Smith, LAPD-Retired received a quilt from the Quilt Reaction Force for his service with the Los Angeles Police Department. Making the presentation was Un Hui Hi.
Un Hui Hi with Bunny and Leon Smith
New Chapter Treasurer: Recently, Compatriot Jeremy Paye has volunteered to take over the chapter treasurer position. Jeremy and is son Ryan are new members to our chapter. A special thanks to Jeremy for volunteering for this important position and a very special thanks to Paul and Renee Weddell for serving in this position for over 15 years. The transition will happen over the next several months.
ROTC/JROTC Medals Awarded
Maynard Rains, Chapter ROTC Chairman reported that the following ROTC/JROTC medal and certificate presentations have been made:
On April 24, Compatriot Jerry Hereford presented a Bronze Citizenship Medal and Certificate and $50 to Western High School JROTC Cadet Daniel Lopez.
On May 5, Compatriot Kurt Camp presented awarded the Silver Citizenship Medal and Certificate, and $150 to Cal State Fullerton ROTC Cadet Andrew Wise.
On May 8, Compatriot Scott Whitman presented a Bronze Citizenship Medal and Certificate and $50 to Katella High School JROTC Cadet Samuel Soliso.
On 8 May, Compatriot Rick Martin presented a Bronze Citizenship Medal and Certificate and $50 to Loara high School JROTC Cadet Mark Grabador. See photo below.

On May 15, Compatriot Phillip Inglee presented a Bronze Citizenship Medal and Certificate and $50 to Katella High School JROTC Cadet Samuel Solis.
The JROTC Bronze Citizenship Medal and Certificate and $50 were mailed to the Commanding Officer of JROTC program at the John C. Fremont High School.
A special thanks to Maynard Rains for his effort in coordinating with the schools and preparing the medals and certificates. Also, a special thanks to the chapter compatriots that made themselves available to do the presentations. The schools and cadets always appreciate our involvement in their programs.