President’s Message
Greetings Compatriots,
It was great resuming our in-person chapter meetings after being dark during the summer months. We met in Mimi’s Irvine Bistro Room which is a little bit roomier but also a bit noisier as it is closer to the kitchen. Thanks to our members and guests who attended and supported our September SAR chapter meeting. The guest speaker, Ellen Bell, provided an informative talk on the history of the Irvine Ranch.
Our chapter membership is increasing which is a blessing considering the COVID times and a struggling economy. For those of you who are new members please consider volunteering your time to assist with the chapter duties. We are always looking for additional Color Guard members. Contact a board member or myself you would like to share your time and skills for the benefit of the chapter.
Thank you all for your membership in the SAR and support of its patriotic mission. Please consider attending our October chapter meeting on October 18th.
In compatriotism,
R. Scott Whitman