President’s Message
Dear Compatriots,
This month we begin an eight-week period of celebration with family, friends, and colleagues. The most notable holiday this month is Thanksgiving, a national holiday celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. It is so easy in a time of relative peace and prosperity to forget why we can enjoy this time of year. Let us therefore also be thankful for the sacrifices made by our ancestors who strived to create an independent nation dedicated to ideals of liberty, equality, natural and civil rights and responsible citizenship. November 11th, Veterans Day, is set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military although largely intended to thank living veterans for their service. Please join me in honoring those who have served.
As previously indicated by our Secretary Jerry Hereford, CASSAR has moved up our due date for 2025 dues. If you haven’t renewed your membership as yet please do so by November 15th.
As I announced during our October dinner meeting our chapter will be hosting the 150th California Society Spring membership meeting, April 24-27, 2025, at the Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel. We will need volunteers to assist with organizing and executing the meeting. Please let me know if you are willing to assist us in hosting the event.
Our November dinner meeting speaker will be Jim McAdory, President of the San Diego SAR Chapter. Jim will be speaking about the recent California Patriot Grave Marking Project, which honored and marked the graves of 18 Spanish soldiers that gave donations in support of the American Revolutionary War.
As always, thank you all for your patriotism and your membership in the SAR. Please know you and your membership are important to us. We can benefit from your life experience and ask that you assist guiding the Chapter in creating interesting programs and activities for our members as well as in the fulfillment of our Society mission and goals.
I look forward to seeing you all at the November 19th chapter meeting. Please remember we will not have a December dinner meeting.
In patriotism,
Barry Michaels