January 2024

President’s Message

Dear Compatriots,

Happy New Year!!! Hope you all had a blessed and joyous Christmas. The chapter is moving forward with the newly elected officers for the 2024-2025 term. This concludes my tenure as your president for the past 5 years. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your chapter president. The chapter is in good health and is supported by very capable officers. Your continued support of the chapter and its leadership is appreciated.

At the November meeting it was voted to distribute via email the SAR Daily History authored by Past President General Jack Manning as part of the SAR America 250 campaign. I hope you are enjoying reading about the events of the Revolutionary War. In December the chapter Color Guard once again supported the Wreaths Across America event at El Toro Memorial Park. Last November the chapter color guard supported 4 different Veterans Day events. Please let us know if you have an interest in joining the chapter Color Guard. We can always use new members.

Looking ahead, George Washington’s Birthday is coming up next month on Feb. 22nd. The San Diego Chapter is once again hosting a dinner at the Green Dragon Tavern in Carlsbad on Feb. 24th. Our chapter Color Guard will again support the Massing of the Colors at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills on Feb. 16th.

One area that the chapter could improve upon is its support of SAR youth programs. There’s an Essay Contest, a Poster Contest, a Brochure Contest and an Oration contest. It would be great if our chapter sponsored some entrants into these contests. Please look at the CASSAR web site for more information.

2024 is an election year and our country’s constitutional republic will again be put to the test. This is another reason why we need to continue to support the mission of the SAR: The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

In Compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman, President

November 2023

President’s Message

Greetings Compatriots,

As we approach the holiday season, we need to count our blessings and consider how fortunate we are to live in this great country.  Veteran’s Day is coming up on November 11th.  On this day we recognize the veterans who risked their lives to protect the freedoms and democracy we enjoy.  Your chapter Color Guard will be proudly supporting four (4) Veteran’s Day events.

Let us all continue to embrace the ideals of the Sons of the American Revolution which honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

Thanksgiving Day is next up on November 23rd.  On this day let’s also give thanks for our patriot ancestors who fought to establish the United States of America.  There are a number of myths perpetuated regarding the first Thanksgiving celebrated in 1621.  Pilgrims did not wear black clothing with buckled hats and shoes, but only wore black and grey garb on Sundays, the feasting did not take place on one day but for about a week, with local Indians coming and going. Turkey was not served during the many meals and most food likely consisted of duck, venison, fish and corn.  No one knows for sure. Traditional Thanksgiving food came to us via Sarah Josepha Hale’s editorials in Godey’s Lady’s Book in the 19th century. 

The SAR South Coast Chapter election is in progress.  The 2024-25 Board of Directors will be announced at the November 21 chapter meeting.  Our chapter will have a new President and VP of Programs for 2024-25.  We are thankful for our very capable volunteers who donate their time and expertise to manage the affairs of the chapter.  

As a reminder the chapter does not meet in December so the next newsletter will be distributed in early January.  

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to All,

In compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman

President, South Coast Chapter

October 2023

President’s Message

Greetings Compatriots,

We had a very well attended meeting last month.  Benjamin Franklin played his Armonica and enlightened us with details of his illustrious career and numerous significant inventions.  Further, we inducted six new members.  The chapter membership continues to grow and we are at the highest level since my tenure started in January 2019.  Thank you all for your support of this worthy organization.

We look forward to a change in the guard, so to speak, and in November the chapter will be electing new officers for the 2024-25 term including a new President and VP of Programs.  If any of you feel the tug of volunteerism please come forward and let us know of your interest.  

At the October meeting there will be an opportunity to nominate someone from the floor to fill a board position.  The nominee, though, must accept the nomination to have his name entered onto the ballot.  We will be using a different electronic ballot method this year and hope you all will find it easy to make your selections and submit your ballot.  

We have another interesting program lined up for the October meeting.  The guest speaker will be Ms. Christine McMahan who will speak on “Women in the American Revolution”.  We hope to see you there.

In compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman

President, South Coast Chapter

September 2023

President’s Message

Dear Compatriots,

Hope you all had an enjoyable summer.  It was milder than usual, for the most part, except for a couple of short heat spells.  As a tradition, the chapter did not hold meetings during the summer months.  But we will resume our monthly chapter meetings on Tuesday, September 19th at Mimi’s in Irvine at 7pm

During the summer the chapter presented several Flag Certificates to local businesses who proudly fly the American flag.  You can read more about it in the newsletter.  Maybe you are aware of a business or neighbor who proudly displays the American flag.  Please consider awarding them a Flag Certificate.  

The America 250 Program is in full swing marching towards July 4, 2026.  If you attend a chapter meeting and listen to the America 250 Minute then you receive 3 points.  After attending 9 meetings you will qualify for award of the bronze medal.  Several chapter members have reached the bronze medal level, several have been awarded the silver medal.  There are two (2) chapter members, Kevin Forrest and I, who have reached the gold medal level.  

It is with great honor that I announce the appointment of Jim Hernandez as Chairman of the JROC/ROTC Program.  The chapter supports several local schools and honors worthy cadets with medals and certificates.  Jim, being retired military, is a natural to interface with the JROTC/ROTC instructors.  Jim succeeds Kevin Forrest who did an outstanding job for the chapter. 

The two-year, 2022-23 term is coming to an end in December.  The chapter will hold an election in November to determine the Board of Directors for the next term, 2024-25.  The success of the chapter is wholly dependent upon its volunteers. Perhaps one of you has thought about serving on the Board in some capacity.  Please reach out to me if you have a desire to serve in this very worthwhile, patriotic organization. It is a certainty that we need more patriotism in the USA.  

Our Color Guard can use some more members and we can likely outfit you in a uniform from our inventory.  This is the SAR South Coast chapter’s primary face in the community.  The Color Guard presents the colors at local patriotic events and marches in local parades. It is a good feeling to participate in these events and our presence is always well received. 

As always, thank you all for your patriotism and your membership in the SAR.  Looking forward to seeing you all at the September chapter meeting.  

In patriotism,

R. Scott Whitman