January 2024

President’s Message

Dear Compatriots,

Happy New Year!!! Hope you all had a blessed and joyous Christmas. The chapter is moving forward with the newly elected officers for the 2024-2025 term. This concludes my tenure as your president for the past 5 years. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your chapter president. The chapter is in good health and is supported by very capable officers. Your continued support of the chapter and its leadership is appreciated.

At the November meeting it was voted to distribute via email the SAR Daily History authored by Past President General Jack Manning as part of the SAR America 250 campaign. I hope you are enjoying reading about the events of the Revolutionary War. In December the chapter Color Guard once again supported the Wreaths Across America event at El Toro Memorial Park. Last November the chapter color guard supported 4 different Veterans Day events. Please let us know if you have an interest in joining the chapter Color Guard. We can always use new members.

Looking ahead, George Washington’s Birthday is coming up next month on Feb. 22nd. The San Diego Chapter is once again hosting a dinner at the Green Dragon Tavern in Carlsbad on Feb. 24th. Our chapter Color Guard will again support the Massing of the Colors at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills on Feb. 16th.

One area that the chapter could improve upon is its support of SAR youth programs. There’s an Essay Contest, a Poster Contest, a Brochure Contest and an Oration contest. It would be great if our chapter sponsored some entrants into these contests. Please look at the CASSAR web site for more information.

2024 is an election year and our country’s constitutional republic will again be put to the test. This is another reason why we need to continue to support the mission of the SAR: The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

In Compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman, President

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