Borderland Studies

Here you can find the eight books by Granvile W. and N.C. Hough on the topic of Spanish soldiers participation in the American Revolution.

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Read the tribute to the Houghs by the Society of Hispanic and Ancestral Research. It provides background on the Houghs and an overview of books.

Volume One – California Part 1
Volume Two – California Part 2
The two volumes together are item number 2040 from the bookstore
Volume Three – Arizona  Bookstore item 1064
Volume Four – New Mexico  Bookstore item 1063
Volume Five – Texas  Bookstore item 1062
Volume Six – Louisiana  Bookstore item 1061
Volume Seven – West Indies  Bookstore item 1016
Volume Eight – Northwestern New Spain  Bookstore item 2041
George Farias, President
Borderlands Bookstore
P.O. Box 28497 
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Store Telephone: 210-647-7535 

Volume One – California (Part 1)

Spain’s California Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution.

Chapter 1)  Hispanic Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (convincing chapter members)

Chapter 2)  Sons of the American Revolution (seeking test applicants)

Chapter 3)  SAR Seeks Descendants of Spanish Soldiers or Sailors who served During the Revolutionary War (determining eligible ancestors)

Chapter 4)  Ten References for Spanish Soldiers of 1779-1783 (identifying references)

Chapter 5)  California During the Revolution (convincing state members)

Chapter 6)  Questions and Answers about SAR’s Acceptance of Descendants of Spanish/Mexican Soldiers and Sailors Who Served in California During the American Revolution (convincing state and national SAR officers)

Chapter 7)  Spanish Soldier Ancestors of New CSSAR Members (accepted member ancestors)

Chapter 8)  California Naval Patriots (seeking ancestors)

Chapter 9)  The Yuma Massacre

A.  The explanation of what it was.  

B. SAR Seeks Descendants of Yuma Massacre of 1781 (seeking descendants)

Chapter 10)  California’s Donations to 1779-1783 War with England (seeking donors)

Chapter 11)  Retired Soldiers Developed the Ranchos

Chapter 12)  California’s Time Line, 1779-1783

Chapter 13)  References for Spanish Soldiers and Sailors of 1779-1783 (specific)

Chapter 14)  References for Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Applicants with California Hispanic Soldier/Sailor Ancestry (general)

Chapter 15)  How to Use the Work of Dr. Adam C. Derkum

Chapter 16)  Epilogue

Subject Index

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Volume Two –  California (Part 2)

Spain’s California Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution

Chapter 1)  Who Came and Who Stayed in CA? 1769-1774    

A. Portola’s Expedition of 1769    

B. Others who came before 1774

Chapter 2)  Who Came and Who Stayed in CA? 1774-1780   

A. Families of Soldiers in CA   

B. Rivera’s Recruits for Monterey and Their Families   

C. Anza’s Expedition of 1775/76   

D. Others who came between 1774 and 1780

Chapter 3)  Who Came and Stayed in CA? 1780-1790   

A. Expeditions of 1781    

A-1. Santa Barbara and Channel Mission Soldiers with Families    

A-2. Los Angeles Pobladores and Soldier Escort with Families  

 B. Others who came between 1780 and 1790   

C. Yuma Activities

Chapter 4)  Who Came and Who Stayed in CA? 1790-1800   

A. 1790 Padron   

B. Franciscan Missionaries in 1790  

 C. Franciscan Missionaries Who Anived 1790-1800   

D. Settlers, 1790-1800   

E. Catalonian Volunteers at Nootka, 1789-1792   

F. Catalonian Volunteers with Albemi in California, 1796-1803  

 G. Soldiers who Joined, 1790-1800   

H. Settlers at Villa Branciforte  

 I. Convicts  

 J. Artisans   

K. Others Who Were Present

Chapter 5)  Where Patriots Served, 1779-1783   

A. San Diego Presidio   

B. Monterey Presidio   

C. San Francisco Presidio   

D. Santa Barbara Presidio Founding Garrison   

E. Loreto Presidio   

F. Yuma Participants   

G. Other Patriots at Missions and Pueblos

Chapter 6)  Sons-ln-Law of Spanish Patriots of California

Chapter 7)  Other Presidios of the Spanish Borderlands

Chapter 8)  Early CA Family References on Microfilm   

A. The Northrop California Collection   

B. Temple’s Translations of Selected Mission Records   

C. Translated Mission Records   

D. Temple’s Genealogical Tables

Chapter 9)  Mutnick’s California Families (Anza Expedition Descendants)    

A. Division One (Anza), Vol I, A-Fig    

B. Division One (Anza), Vol 2, Fil-Pin    

C. Division One (Anza), Vol 3, PI-Z

Chapter 10)  Mutnick’s California Families (Descendants of 1781 Expeditions)    

A. Division Two (1781 Expeditions), Vol 4, A-LI    

B. Division Two (1781 Expeditions), Vol 5, M-Z

Chapter 11)  Corrections and Revisions to Chapter VI, Part 1

Chapter 12)  Additions to California Naval Patriots, Chapter VIII, Part 1

Chapter 13)  Additions/Corrections to Part I, Chapter XIII, Specific References

Chapter 14)  Corrections and Revisions to Chapter VI, Part 1

Chapter 15)  Corrections and Revisions to Chapter VI, Part 1    

A. Burial Sites for Patriots    

B. Burial Sites for Recently Identified Patriots    

C. Additions and Deletions for Chapter XIII, Part 1

Chapter 16)  Additional California References to Those in Chapter XIV, Part 1

Subject Matter Index for Part 2 (Note many chapters contain alphabetical lists of names that are not indexed here)

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Volume Three – Arizona


Chapter 1  Why Patriotic Organizations Should Accept Descendants of Spanish/Mexican Soldiers Who Served in the Spanish Borderlands during the American Revolution

Chapter 2    

A. Presidios    

B. Provincias Internas    

C. Missions    

D. Pueblos and Rancho

Chapter 3  The Arizona/Sonora Time Line and Activities    

A. Anza Expeditions, 1774-75    

B. Tucson Presidio Established, 1775-76    

C. Terrenate Presidio in Arizona, 1775-80    

D. Spain Declares War on England, June 177    

E. The Yuma Mission Settlements, 1779-81    

F. War with Seri Indians, 1780-81    

G. Requests for Donations, 1780    

H. Moqui Expedition, 1780    

I. Trade Routes for New Mexico, 1780-81    

J. Rivera’s Expeditions, 1781    

K. Yuma Massacre, 1781    

L. Yuma Campaign, 1781    

M. Tucson Presidio Fight, 1782    

N. Yuma Campaign, 1782    

O. Apache Attacks, 1779-1784    

P. End of War with England, 1784    

Q. Navajo-Apache Relationships, 1780-83    

R. Apache Campaign, 1784    

S. Tubac Presidio Re-established, 1783-8

Chapter 4  Yuma Participants

Chapter 5  Exploring Trade Routes for New Mexico

Chapter 6  Arizona Contributions to the War Fund

Chapter 7  Settlers and Land Owners

Chapter 8    

A. Arizona Patriots and Near-Patriot    

B. Other Patriots and Near-Patriots of Pimería Alta

Chapter 9  Other Borderland Soldiers and Citizens Supporting Arizona    

A. Soldiers of the Provincias Internas Who May Have Served During Spain’s 1779-83 War with England    

B. Other Patriots and Near Patriots Associated with the Provincias Internas of New Spain but Who Did Not Serve in CA, AZ, NM, or TX, and Who Are Not on the List of Spanish Army Key Personnel Above

Chapter 10  References for Descendants of Spanish Soldiers Who Served in Arizona and the Spanish Borderlands during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England    

A. Ten Useful References    

B. Other Arizona References    

C. Additional Spanish Borderlands References

Chapter 11  Epilogue

Appendix A  Diacritical Marks for Spanish Words and Names

Subject Index

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Volume Four – New Mexico

Spain’s New Mexico Patriots in its  1779 – 1783 War with England during the American Revolution



Chapter 1  New Mexico 1777-1785 Time Line and Activities    

A. 1777. Anza Appointed Governor    

B. 1778/79. Anza Reorganized NM Defenses    

C. 1779/80. Campaign against Comanches    

D. 1779/80. Home Defenses Tested    

E. 1779/80. War with England    

F. 1780. Campaign to Moqui Country    

G. 1780-81. Exploring Trade Route to Sonora    

H. 1781. Impact of Yuma Massacre    L 1781-84. New Mexico Contributions to War Fund    

J. 1777-85. New Mexico Economy    

K. 1779-85. Work with Utes    

L. 1777-85. Work with Navajos    

M 1777-85. Apache Campaigns    

N. 1783-84. End of War with England    

O. 1777-85. Exploring Trade Routes to Texas and Louisiana    

P. 1777-85. El Paso

Chapter 2  Governor Anza’s New Mexico Indian Campaigns

Chapter 3  Exploring Trade Routes for New Mexico

Chapter 4  New Mexico Donations to the War Fund and Other Contributions

Chapter 5  New Mexico Settlers and Militia

Chapter 6  New Mexico Patriots during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England    

A. New Mexico Enlistment and Officer Records    

B. 1790 Census of the Presidio of Santa Fé    

C. New Mexico Priests who were Patriots or Near Patriots    

D. Other Patriots and Near Patriots of New Mexico    

E. El Paso Area Patriots and Near Patriots, 1779-1783

Chapter 7  New Mexico References for Descendants of Spanish Soldiers Who Served in the Spanish Borderlands during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England    

A. Ten Most Useful References    

B. Other New Mexico References

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Volume Five – Texas

Spain’s Texas Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution



Chapter 1  Texas Time Line and Activities, 1775-1790   

A. Geography and History   

B. Activities Common to All Areas    

1775. Implementing Regulations of 1772 and Realigning the Presidios    

1776/77. Provincias Internas    

1775/1790. Indian Wars    

1777/82. Southwestern Drought    

1778-1781. Epidemics    

1779/83. War with England    

1780/84. Public Prayers for Success in War    

1779/83. Militia Service    

1781/84. Donations to the War Fund    

1783/84. End of War with England    

1784/86. War Hero Became Viceroy of New Spain   

C. 1775-1790 in the El Paso del Norte area   

D. 1775-1790 in Nueva Vizcaya/Chihuahua   

E. 1775-1790 in Coahuila   

F. 1775-1790 in Nuevo Santander    1775. Horse and Mule Drive to New Mexico   

G.  Others

1775-1790 in Las Nuevas Filipinas/Tejas    

1775-1778. Governorship of Ripperdá    

1774-1779. Villa de Bucareli, the Failed Colony    

1779-1790. Nacogdoches, Return to East Texas    

1775-1790. La Bahaí    

1771-1782. El Fuerte del Cibolo (Buffalo Fort)    

1775-1790. San Antonio, the New Capitol    

1777. Proposal for a Texas Port    

1778. English Encroachments on the Coast and in East Texas    

1778/79. Exploration for Trade and Territory by Athanase de Mezieres    

1778/86. Governorship by Domingo Cabello    

1779-1787. Texas Beef for Louisiana Armies    

1775-1789. Trade Routes with Neighbors

Chapter 2  Missions, Priests, Land, and Prayers for Victory in Texas   

A. References   

B. Activities Common to All Areas   

C. Prayers and Beef   

D. The El Paso del Norte area included   

E. Border Areas of Nueva Vizcaya/Chihuahua included   

F. Border Areas of Coahuila included   

G. Border Areas of Nuevo Léon included   

H. Border Areas of Nuevo Santander/Tamaulipas included   

I. The Spanish Province of Texas area included   

J. Other Priests involved in Borderlands correspondence

Chapter 3  Beef for Spanish Armies from Texas Ranches during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England   

A. References   

B. Ranches from El Paso del Norte to Ojinaga (Presidio, TX)   

C. Ranches near the Presidio Rio Grande/Coahuila   

D. Ranches of the Lower Rio Grande/Nuevo Santander   

E. Ranches of Tejas (Spanish Texas)   

F. Wartime Beef to Louisiana

Chapter 4  Militia Service in Texas during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England   

A. References   

B. Militia Service   

C. Militia Operations in Texas

Chapter 5  Texas Donations to the War Fund to Defeat England   

A. References   

B. Call for Donations   

C. Record of Contributors and Contributions

Chapter 6  Texas Patriots and Near Patriots, 1779-1783   

A. West Texas (El Paso del Norte to Eagle Pass) Patriots and Near Patriots, 1779-1783    

(1). 1779-1783 Records for El Paso    

(2). Census of 1784    

(3). Census of 1787    

(4). Censuses of 1788 and 1790    

(5). Downriver from El Paso del Norte    

(6). Military records, 1790-1800    

(7). Alphabetical Listing   

B. South Texas (Lower Rio Grande) Patriots and Near Patriots, 1779-1783    

(1). References    

(2). Alphabetical Listing   

C. Texas Civilian Patriots and Near Patriots, 1779-1783    

(1). References    

(2). Summary of Wartime censuses    

(3). Alphabetical Listing   

D. Texas Soldier Patriots and Near Patriots at Bexar Presidio, 1779-1783    

(1). References    

(2). Alphabetical Listing   

E. Texas Soldier Patriots and Near Patriots at La Bahia Presidio, 1779-1783    

(1). References    

(2). Alphabetical Listing

Chapter 7  Epilogue

Chapter 8  References for Descendants of Spanish Soldiers and Other Patriots Who Served in Texas and Bordering Provinces of Mexico during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England   

A. Ten Most Useful References   

B. References Actually Used in Chapters (See pages 7, 15, 19, 23, 25, 82, and 114).   

C. Other Texas References

Appendix A.  Declaration of War against England by King Carlos III

Subject Index

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Volume Six – Louisiana

Spain’s Louisiana Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution


Chapter 1 

Chapter 2  Louisiana Time Line

Chapter 3  Participating Groups in the War Activities   

A. Summary   

B. Clandestine Aid   

C. Recruiting Canary Islanders   

D. Baton Rouge Campaign   

E. Mobile Campaign   

F. Battle of St. Louis   

G. Pensacola Campaign   

H. Natchez Uprising   

I. Mississippi River Activities   

J. Texas Drovers   

K. Gálvez’ Later Campaigns   

L. Miscellaneous Maritime Activities

Chapter 4  Louisiana Patriots and Near Patriots   


Listing, A   

Listing, B – C   

Listing, D – F    (Spanish Aid – The King’s Order of 24 Dec 1776)   

Listing, G – I   

Listing, J – L   

Listing, M   

Listing, N – Q    (The Many Wondrous Ways to Make Mistakes with Louisiana Names)   

Listing, R – S   

Listing, T – Z

Chapter 5  Kentucky Patriots – Captives to Canada

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7  References for Descendants of those who served or worked with Spanish Forces in Louisiana and the West Indies during Spain’s 1776-1783 conflicts with England   

A. Most Useful References   

B. Unit and Patriot References   

C. Other Spanish Borderlands References

Subject Index

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Volume Seven – West Indies

Spanish, French, Dutch, and American Patriots of the West Indies – during the American Revolution


Chapter 1  Introduction 

A. Theatres of Operation during the American Revolution   

B. Geography of the West Indies   

C. Peoples of the West Indies   

D. Immediate History before the American Revolution   

E. Early Activities in the West Indies during the American Revolution   

F. Wartime Hostilities in the West Indies

Chapter 2  West Indies Time Line

Chapter 3  West Indies Groups Participating in the War Activities   

A. Summary   

B. Clandestine Aid 

C. New Providence Expedition of 1776   

D. Recruiting Canary Islanders   

E. France Enters the War   

F. Beginning French Naval and Land Actions of the West Indies   

G. Spain Enters the War   

H. Baton Rouge Campaign   

I. Siege of Savannah, Georgia   

J. Mobile Campaign   

K. French and Spanish Operations in the West Indies (from Savannah to Yorktown)   

L. Spanish Expedition to America   

M. British Invasions of Central America   

N. French Expeditionary Force to America under Rochambeau   

O. Dutch Participation in the War   

P. Pensacola Campaign   

Q. Naval Engagement of Admiral de Grasse and British Admiral Hood   

R. Naval Battles of Chesapeake Bay and Yorktown   

S Battle of St. Kitts and Nevis   

T. Naval Battle of Les Saintes, off Dominica   

U. Gálvez’ Later Campaigns   

V. Louisiana Governor’s Correspondence   

W. Privateering Operations in the West Indies, 1776-1783   

X. Indian Ocean Activities   

Y. Notes on French Operations   

Z. Miscellaneous Ships in Other Maritime Operations   

AA. Swedish Participation with the French

Chapter 4  West Indies Patriots and Near Patriots, 1776-1783   


Listing, A   

Listing, B – C   

Listing, D – I   

Listing, J – M   

Listing, N – Q   

Listing, R – Z

Chapter 5  Epilogue

Chapter 6  References for Descendants of those who served in the West Indies during the American Revolution   

A. Ten Most Useful References   

B. Unit and Patriot References   

C. Other References Reviewed but not used for Naming Patriots   

D. References for Future Research – Spanish Participation   

E. References for Future Research – French Participation   

F. References for Future Research – Dutch Participation   

D. References for Future Research – American Participation

Subject Index

Filler Inserts   

Patriotic Organizations   

NSSAR Includes the French   

NSSAR Includes the Spanish (first part)   

NSSAR Includes the Spanish (continued)   

NSSAR Includes other Europeans   

NSDAR Inclusiveness

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Volume Eight – New Spain

Spain’s Patriots Of Northwestern New Spain – From South Of the U. S. Border – In Its 1779-1783 War with England – during The American Revolution


Chapter 1  Northwestern New Spain

Chapter 2  The Northwestern New Spain Time Line and Activities   

A. Reinforcing California – the Anza Expeditions   

B. Provincias lnternas Established   

C. Clandestine Aid to Americans   

D. Great Southwestern Drought   

E. Spain Declares War on England, 21 June 1779   

F. Naval Support Shifted to Mani1a   

G. King Carlos Request for Donativo   

H. Trouble at the Yuma Mission Settlements, 1779-81   

I. War with Seri Indians, 1780-81   

J. Yuma Massacre of July 1781   

K. Yuma Campaigns   

L. Trade Routes for New Mexico, 1780-81   

M. Smallpox Epidemic   

N. Apache Attacks 1779-1784   

O. Comanche Attacks, 1779-1783   

P. Establishing Flying Companies   

Q. Reinforcing Militia Units   

R. End of War with England   

S. Subsequent Activities of Soldier and Sailor Veterans

Chapter 3  Military and Naval Units and Installations of Northwestern New Spain – South of the Border   

A. Provincias lnternas   

B. Army Units under the Viceroy   

C. Naval Units under Control of the Viceroy   

D. Missions of Northwestern New Spain – South of the Border   

E. Other Spanish Installations of Northwestern New Spain – South of the Border

Chapter 4  Patriots and Near Patriots of Northwestern New Spain – South of the Border   

Patriots and Near Patriots A-B   

Patriots and Near Patriots C-E   

Patriots and Near Patriots F-K   

Patriots and Near Patriots L   

Patriots and Near Patriots M   

Patriots and Near Patriots N-O   

Patriots and Near Patriots P-Q   

Patriots and Near Patriots R   

Patriots and Near Patriots S-Z

Chapter 5  Epilogue

Chapter 6  References for Descendants of Spanish Patriots who served in Northwestern New Spain – South of the Border – during Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England   

A. References Actually Used   

B. Guides and Depositories for Records and Genealogy Resources   

C. References for Further Research

Subject Index

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