February, 2023

President’s Message

Dear Compatriots,

This month we celebrate Lincoln’s Birthday on Sunday, February 12th and President’s Day on Monday, February 20th.  We all should take a moment and reflect on the great patriotic deeds of Washington and Lincoln that promoted the American ideals of democracy and freedom.  

A Washington Fun Fact is “He was fearless in battle.”  With men and officers being shot down all around him, George Washington rode forward to take charge of the collapsing lines at the Battle of the Monongahela on July 9, 1755.  While riding along the ranks looking to steady the men, Washington had two horses shot out from under him and four bullet holes shot through his coat. At the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, Washington rode forward on his white charger as he led his soldiers in a successful counter-attack against the British. At one point Washington was no more than 30 yards from the British line and was an easy target. Despite the widespread fears that he would be shot down at any moment, Washington was heard to say to his troops, “Parade with me my fine fellows, we will have them soon!”

One of the initiatives for this year for the California Society is to increase participation in the SAR youth programs. The CASSAR has set a goal for each chapter to add one more youth program this year as compared to last year. The due dates for our Elementary School, Middle School and High School programs are in February through April for entries from Chapters to CASSAR. Please check the CASSAR website for more information on these programs and how to submit the entries:
https://www.californiasar.org/youth-programs. If any of you have a student in school please consider supporting the SAR youth program with a brochure, essay, poster or oration entry.   

In patriotism,

R. Scott Whitman

President, South Coast Chapter

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