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Purposes & Objectives
The purposes and objectives of the South Coast Chapter are declared to be patriotic, historical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed to perpetuate the memory of those, who, by their service or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriot of the war, as well as documents, relics, and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war and of the Revolutionary period; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to carry out the purposes expressed in ,the preamble of the Constitution of our country and the injunction of George Washington in his farewell address to the American people.
Principal Location & Office
The South Coast Chapter, chartered by the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in 1983, shall maintain its Principal Location within the County of Orange in the vicinity of the coast.
The Principal Office of the South Coast Chapter shall be the residence of the President of the Chapter during his term of office.
Section 1: Qualification
Invitation to membership is open to men of good character, eighteen years of age or older, who are direct descendants of an ancestor who either fought or aided in the Revolutionary War, or otherwise contributed to establishing our Independence, as determined by the California and National Societies of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Additionally, Junior membership is open to young men under eighteen years of age. Membership requirements are the same as listed above.
Section 2: Designation
The official designation of a member of this chapter shall be “Compatriot”
Section 3: Categories
The categories of membership in this Chapter shall be:
Annual Member
Life Member
Exempt Member
Annual Members shall continue as members in good standing as long as all yearly dues, National, State, and Chapter, are paid in full.
Any members in good standing may become a Life Member, thereafter exempt from payment of annual dues, by meeting the requirements set by the California Society.
Exempt membership status may be granted by this Chapter, subject to the requirements of the California and National Societies, on account of age or infirmity, coupled with an inability to pay annual dues. Exempt Membership status may also be granted to those members who have faithfully paid their annual dues for fifty years or more.
Section 4: Definition of a Member in Good Standing
Each Life Member, each Exempt Member, and each Annual Member, whose annual dues are not in arrears, is deemed a Member in Good Standing of this Chapter and this Society.
The fiscal year for this Chapter is from April 1 through March 31 of the following year. Annual dues are for the above period. A member, delinquent in payment after March 31st is per CASSAR Bylaw 7, Section 3, automatically suspended and shall be dropped from membership.
Section 5: Membership Rights and Privileges.
All members in good standing shall equally share the rights, powers, privileges, and liabilities of this Chapter. The privileges of attending meetings, being heard, voting in membership meetings and holding office shall belong to all Chapter Members in good standing. All members in good standing of this Chapter shall be retained on the mailing list to receive all regular mailings and meeting notices.
Section 6: Resignation of Membership.
Members of this Chapter, if their dues are not in arrears, may resign their membership or any office held either orally at any meeting of this Chapter or by written notice mailed to the Chapter Secretary. Such resignation from membership or office shall be effective as of the date of the resignation letter and/or acceptance thereof by a majority vote of the Chapter’s Board of Directors.
Section 7: Dues Delinquency.
Reinstatement after membership termination for dues delinquency or granting by the Chapter of an exemption for payment of annual dues shall be in accordance with CASSAR Bylaw 7, Sections 4 and 5, respectively.
Section 8: Chapter Dues.
The Chapter dues for each year shall be established at the Annual Membership Meeting of the Chapter to be held in January.
Board of Directors
Section 1: Powers of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of the South Coast Chapter shall be responsible for conducting and managing the business, programs and activities of the Chapter. They shall generally superintend and guard its interests, in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws and the Bylaws of the California society of the Sons of the American Revolution (CASSAR) and the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR).
Section 2: General Responsibility of the Directors.
No member of this Chapter shall in good conscience accept election or appointment to a position or office on the Board of Directors, or to any committee unless he is willing, able and prepared to devote the necessary time and ability to the faithful discharge of his duties during the term of his election or appointment.
Section 3: Composition and Qualification of the Board.
The Board shall be comprised of the elected officers of the Chapter and the Immediate Past President who shall serve ex officio. No Chapter Member may accept election or appointment to the Board of Directors unless he is a member in good standing at the time of election or appointment.
Section 4: Composition of the Board of Directors.
(a) President | (g) Chancellor |
(b) First Vice-President | (h) Director – Chapter Historian |
(c) Second Vice-President | (i) Director – Geneologist |
(d) Third Vice-President | (j) Director – Chairman of the Awards and Recognition Committee |
(e) Secretary | (k) Director – Color Guard Commander & Sergeant at Arms |
(f) Treasurer | (l) Three Trustees of the Permanent Fund |
Section 5: Election and Term of Office.
Officers shall be installed at the Annual Meeting of membership to be held in the month of January. Any position or office not filled at the Annual Membership Meeting may be filled by election at any Special Meeting of the Chapter Membership called and held for that purpose. All officers shall hold office until their respective successors have been installed. Officers shall normally be elected and hold office for a period of two years. Directors shall be elected and hold office for a period of three years per Article V, Section 8. No individual will serve in the office of President beyond two consecutive terms of office.
Section 6: Method of Election.
The election of officers and directors shall be held by mail ballot. A nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President in the third quarter of the calendar year. Nomination from the floor may be presented at the October meeting. The Secretary will prepare ballots to be mailed to each member in good standing. The Secretary will announce the results of the election at the next meeting of the Chapter. Election by ballot for any office may be waived in accordance with the provisions of NSSAR Bylaws No. 8, Section 4.
Section 7: Removal and Resignation.
Any officer or director may resign or may be removed for cause by the Board of Directors at any time. Vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal of any officer or director may be filled by appointment by the President and with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 8: Fees and Compensation.
Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the South Coast Chapter shall receive no compensation for their services as officers or directors, but may receive such reimbursement for necessary expenses as may be fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Officers, Powers and Duties
Section 1: The President.
The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Chapter and, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall have general supervision, direction and control of the affairs of the Chapter. He shall preside at all meetings of the Membership and the Board of Directors. He shall recommend any projects, programs, and activities which will further the aims of the Sons of the American Revolution and which shall be undertaken by the Chapter during his term of office.
Section 2: The First Vice-President.
Shall function in the absence of the President, or upon the President’s inability to act, and shall perform such duties as assigned by the President. He shall be responsible for the membership program of the chapter and shall develop and implement such plans and supporting actions necessary to a vital program to identify and encourage candidates for membership. He shall function as the Chapter Registrar, examining all applications for membership for correctness and supporting documentation. He shall serve as liaison officer to genealogical and heritage societies in the Chapter area.
Section 3: The Second Vice-President.
Shall be in charge of programs for chapter dinner meetings and chapter special events. He shall be responsible for the development of joint activities with other SAR, DAR, patriotic or historical and heritage organizations.
Section 4: The Third Vice-President.
Is charged with the function of Ways and Means for the Chapter. He shall be responsible for securing appropriate meeting facilities for the Chapter, physical arrangements of the meeting room, ordering of the menu, if prescribed, and providing required program support.
Section 5: The Secretary
Shall maintain a record of the minutes of all Chapter membership and board meetings, the attendance records, rosters of members and prospective members and the mailing lists of the Chapter. He will handle all correspondence with the California and National Societies. He will also handle all supplies and supply orders
Section 6: The Treasurer
Will keep and maintain adequate and correct books of account showing the receipt and disbursements of the Chapter as well as an account of its cash and other assets. Such books of account shall at reasonable times be open to inspection by any member of this Chapter. He shall deposit all moneys of the Chapter with such depositories as are designated by the-Board of Directors, and shall disburse the funds of the Chapter as may be ordered by the Board of Directors. He shall present to the Chapter at each meeting a financial report showing the financial condition of the Chapter. A simple cash accounting and cash budget procedure shall be utilized.
Section 7: The Chancellor
Shall be an Attorney-at-Law, and if one is not available within the Chapter membership, the position will stand unfilled. The Chancellor shall serve as the legal advisor to the Chapter and shall render his legal opinion on such matters as may be referred to him by the proper officers or the Board of Directors.
Sections 8: The Directors (Four).
The Directors shall be four in number, elected for a three year term, staggered such that one expires each year. While the Directors shall perform such duties, of a general nature as may be assigned by the President or Board. Individual directors shall perform the following specific functions:
The duties of Chapter Historian: Recording and maintaining the history of the Chapter.
The duties of Genealogist: Assisting the First Vice-President in the latter’s duties as Chapter Registrar, particularly in the area of documentation for candidate members.
The duties of Chairman of the Awards and Recognition Committee: He shall recommend suitable awards to members or other individuals to the Board of Directors and arrange for the appropriate presentation of such awards
The duties of the Color Guard Commander: Schedule and manage all color guard activities, custodian of all Chapter Color Guard equipment, ensure that the American Flag is properly displayed at Chapter meetings.
Section 9: Trustees of the Permanent Fund.
Each of the trustees of the Permanent Fund shall be elected for a three year term, staggered such that one expires each year, except when there is more than one vacancy. In the latter event, varying terms may be imposed so that only one trustee’s term expires each year.
The trustees shall elect one of their members as chairman, and he shall have charge of all records and have the power to call a meeting of the Trustees whenever he deems necessary.
They shall manage and invest moneys, securities and property which may accrue to the Permanent Fund in the name of the Permanent Fund of the South Coast Chapter, California Society, Sons of the American Revolution, in accordance with the “Prudent Man Rule.” An account shall be opened in a banking institution approved by the Board of Directors in the name of the Permanent Fund of the South Coast Chapter; California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. All funds received by the Trustees shall be deposited in this account, including dividends, interest, net rents and the proceeds of property sold. Any such funds deposited therein may be withdrawn only on signatures of at least two trustees.
Withdrawal of income from investments or accounts may be made only as provided in Article IX. Only interest, dividends and net rents may be included in calculating such income. Where an investment, such as a money market account, has checking privileges, the Trustees may use it for the banking institution of the account.
Status reports shall be presented to the Board of Directors quarterly and to the Treasurer prior to the Annual Meeting. The report to the Treasurer shall include the amount available at the end of the Fiscal Year last concluded and an estimate of the amount to be available at the end of the current Fiscal Year, for use as provided in Article IX. The Trustees may make recommendations for specific uses that meet the patriotic, historical or educational purposes of the Chapter in their report to the Treasurer or at the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors or at such other times as a majority vote of the Trustees may elect.
Section 1: Meetings
The Chapter shall hold at least four: meetings each year, including an Annual Meeting per NSSAR Bylaw No. 2 Section 3. Installation of Officers shall be accomplished at the January meeting of the Chapter which is normally designated the Annual Meeting. Notice of this meeting must be sent .to all members in good standing at least seven days prior to the meeting. The date of posting shall be considered the first of the seven days.
Section 2: Quorum.
The presence in person of at least 20 percent of the Chapter members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any duly called meeting of the Chapter.
Section 3: Meetings of the Board of Directors.
Quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in January, April, July and October. A quorum shall be three members present.
Section 4: Special Meetings.
Special meetings of this Chapter may be called from time to time by the President; or by the First Vice-President when action for or in behalf of the President; or by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. Reasonable notice as outlined in Section 1 of this article shall be given for each meeting. Quorum requirements for special meetings shall be as outlined in Section 2 of this Article. No business shall be considered, transacted or acted upon at any Special meeting except for that business for which the meeting is called and which must be specified in the notice of the meeting.
Section 1: Standing Committee.
The following are required committees for which the President shall appoint a Chairman unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws and may appoint other members directly or upon the recommendation of the Chairman:
Audit Committee: To be comprised of three members to audit the books and records of the Treasurer and to report to the President at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer will not be one of the members.
Awards and Recognition Committee: To be comprised of three members, chaired by a director as specified by the President, to recommend and arrange for appropriate awards or other recognition to members or other deserving individuals.
Section 2: Nominating Committee.
To be appointed by the President in accordance with Article IV Section 6 to recommend proposed nominations for each elective office or vacancies in unexpired terms. The Immediate Past President will normally serve as Chairman.
Section 3: Other Committees.
The president may appoint the Chairman and the members of any committee necessary to carry out the program and business of the Chapter, or for the purpose of initiating any proposed and approved project or activity.
Section 1: Amendments, Revisions and Changes.
These Bylaws may be amended, revised or changed by the membership of the Chapter by a twothirds majority of votes received from the members, provided that a copy of any proposed amendment, revision or change shall be mailed/e-mailed in advance to all members at least seven days before the meeting at which the proposal is to be considered.
Section 2: Conformity
These Chapter Bylaws, including any amendments or changes, shall conform to the existing Bylaws of both NSSAR and CASSAR. Any conflict which may arise will be considered resolved in favor of the latter.
Section 3: Inspection
The Chapter shall keep in its Principal Office the original or a copy of these Bylaws, as amended or otherwise altered to date, certified by the Secretary, which shall be open to inspection by the Chapter members at all reasonable hours.
Permanent Fund
Section 1
This chapter shall maintain a Permanent Fund to insure the stability and perpetuity of this Chapter. Administration and management of the Permanent Fund shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the Permanent Fund as provided in Article V, Section 9.
Section 2
The corpus of the Permanent Fund shall comprise all moneys or property, real or personal, which may accrue to this Chapter by donation, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise unless use thereof is otherwise designated as a condition to receipt or is otherwise directed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors with at least three-quarters of the Directors present and voting. The corpus shall not be impaired or diminished but may be increased as provided herein. The only exception to the above is that use of any portion of the principal of the Fund may be authorized upon recommendation of the majority of the Trustees and approval of three-quarters of the Board of Directors.
Section 3
The income from the Permanent Fund shall be accumulated and added to the corpus at the end of the fiscal year of this Chapter, provided that any part not to exceed one-half of the income for any fiscal year may, by a vote of a majority of the Board of Directors, be used for specific projects that meet one or more of the patriotic, historical or educational purposes of the Chapter and the Society.
This is a true certified copy of the Bylaws of the South Coast Chapter of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, as adopted at our organization meeting on March 15, 1983.
These Bylaws were revised in conformity with the Bylaws of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Bylaws of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution on March 22, 1988.
These Bylaws were revised in conformity with the Bylaws of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Bylaws of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution on September 15, 2020
Jerry Hereford
South Coast Chapter
California Society of the
Sons of the American Revolution
Robert Scott Whitman
South Coast Chapter
California Society of the
Sons of the American Revolution