Here are some useful links to National, Regional, State and local chapter SAR websites and other useful organizations.
National Society: Sons of the American Revolution
The SAR Museum Collection (includes how to make donations of historical artifacts)
California Society, Sons of the American Revolution
America 250 SAR Daily History, by California Society, Sons of the American Revolution
Western District: Sons of the American Revolution (includes the California, Hawai’i and Nevada SAR Societies)
Orange County Chapter: Sons of the American Revolution
Thomas Jefferson Chapter: Sons of the American Revolution
Alameda, Contra Costa and surrounding counties
Sacramento Chapter: Sons of the American Revolution
Riverside Chapter: Sons of the American Revolution
The Riverside Chapter has a tremendous amount of historical information and links to further sites.
Check this one out!
General Patton Chapter: Sons of the American Revolution
Western Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
Sons of Liberty Chapter – Los Angeles
SAR – Harbor Chapter
Los Angeles / South Bay / Long Beach
Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research
Flagon and Trencher: Descendants of Colonial Tavern Keepers
You can use the “Search the Muster Roll” link on the home page to input names of Rev. War soldiers in order to determine if they were at winter quarters in Valley Forge from Dec 19, 1777 to Jun 19, 1778.
ASVAB – Military Enlistment Suitability Test
Military Enlistment Suitability Test link for prospective enlistees and JROTC Cadets.