President’s Message
Dear Compatriots,
Hope you all had a nice summer. It’s hard to believe the summer is over and it’s already September. Last month, August, the South Coast Chapter enjoyed another wonderful potluck/BBQ at the Weddell’s home. We are grateful to Paul and Renee for volunteering to once again host the event (10 years running). Thanks to Kurt and Linda Camp for barbequing the burgers, hot dogs and chicken kabobs. Thanks also to their family and neighbors for helping to decorate the yard, and the setup and teardown of the chairs, tables, etc.
In June the California Society hosted the Annual NSSAR Congress held in Costa Mesa. Several of our chapter members volunteered to man the Registration Table. Curtis Porter was the San Juan Capistrano Tour Lead. Bunny Smith and I were in Colonial and Revolutionary dress and greeted the attendees flying into John Wayne airport. Steve Steinberg and Leon Smith were nominated by the CASSAR to receive the Bronze Sam Adams Congress Appreciation Medal in recognition of their volunteer efforts. I attended the Congress representing the South Coast Chapter as a voting delegate. It was my first experience and very interesting. There were business meetings during the day and formal banquets on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The CASSAR hosted a yacht cruise around Newport harbor for the Congress attendees and their guests. The CASSAR was highly praised for their efforts in hosting and organizing the Congress. Some commented that it was the best Congress ever.
We are still in need of Color Guard members so if you feel a calling to support this very important chapter function please contact me or Kevin Forrest. Thanks to Jeremy Paye for volunteering to relieve Paul Weddell as the chapter treasurer. We now need a volunteer to fill the JROTC Committee Chair position as Maynard Rains is stepping down due to work priorities.
Looking forward to seeing you at our September chapter meeting.
In compatriotism,
Scott Whitman
Chapter Activities
Chapter Potluck Dinner: On Tuesday, August 20th we had our annual chapter potluck dinner. A special thanks to Paul and Renee Weddell for hosting the potluck dinner and to Kurt and Linda Camp for helping with the set up. In addition to chapter members and their guests attending, in attendance were CASSAR Vice President South Brian Stephens and his wife Diane and NSSAR Color Guard Commander James Fosdyck and his wife Un Hui Yi.
At these annual BBQ dinner events, a Revolutionary War event or individual is highlighted and details about the individual or event is provided. This years’ Revolutionary War individual highlighted was Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, together with his counterpart Michael Kovats de Fabriczy has been called “the father of the American Calvary”. Pictures of the event are shown below:
A fine time was had by all!
Chapter Registrar, Leon Smith, inducted two new members, Aaron Cash and Scott Davis, into our chapter. Aaron Cash’s patriot ancestor was Nathan Warner who served as a Corporal in Captain Joseph Raymond’s Company, Colonel Israel Chapin’s Regiment, Massachusetts. Scott Davis’s patriot ancestor was George Teagarden who supported the American Revolution by Paying the Supply Tax, Pennsylvania. We want to welcome both Aaron Cash and Scott Davis to our chapter and hope to see them at our dinner meetings.

South Coast Color Guard

Compatriots, the South Coast Chapter is looking for members that are interested in joining the Color Guard. Our goal is to have 4-5 standing members with some alternates, as we will need to have at least 3 members present to take part in any official events.
We currently have 3 members, but would like to add a couple more to our ranks Anyone interested in joining or if there are any questions, please feel free to contact Kevin Forrest or Webmaster.
State and National SAR News
The CASSAR 144th Fall Board of Managers meeting is being held 1-2 November at the Wyndham Irvine Hotel in Irvine and is being hosted by the Orange County Chapter. See CASSAR website for more details.
Upcoming Dates and Events
Constitution Day-Tuesday, September 17: Tuesday, September 17, is the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.
September Dinner Meeting-Tuesday, September 17: See page 1 for details.
U.S. Air Force Birthday-Wednesday, September 18: We salute our members who served in the U.S. Air Force. The Air Force is the youngest of all five services. It became a separate service on Sept. 18, 1947 after President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947.
SOCCGS Family History Seminar-Saturday, October 19: The South Orange County California Genealogy Society is having their annual Family History Seminar in Mission Viejo.
The guest speaker is Dr. Fritz Juengling, Accredited Genealogist through ICAPGen for a variety on European regions. The topic of his all-day presentation is “Reinventing Your Genealogical Research”.
Details for this event can be found on SOCCGS’s web site:
Annual 2019 NSSAR Congress
The South Coast Chapter was well represented at the Congress, held in Costa Mesa and hosted by CASSAR. Here are some pictures of our members and friends.
Scott Whitman as Greater at John Wayne Airport Scott Whitman and Bunny Smith at Volunteer Luncheon
SAR members receiving GWEF pin at National Congress recognition Luncheon
OC SAR Color Guard members who attended the President’s Banquet at National Congress