President’s Message
Dear Compatriots,
On Thursday, November 11th our nation celebrates Veterans Day. Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day to celebrate the end of World War I. Beginning in 1919, we acknowledged the end of WWI on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11 am. Businesses at 11am were to stop operating for two minutes in a moment of silence. Sadly, WWI was not the war to end all wars and our country endured WWII. President Eisenhower signed a proclamation changing Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day. We now continue to honor veterans who fought and sacrificed not only in WWI but WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the wars in the Middle East. Honoring and acknowledging those who fought to keep our country free is a significant part of the SAR charter.
The SAR South Coast Chapter Color Guard plans to support the 32nd Annual Veterans Day Observance at El Toro Memorial Park on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. You all are welcome to attend.
I plan to attend the CASSAR 146th Fall Board of Managers meeting November 4-7 at the Mission Inn in Riverside. I will report out to you on the items of interest to the Chapter membership at the January Chapter meeting.
After a one year hiatus due to the pandemic the chapter will hold an election this month to determine the volunteers who will be leading the South Coast Chapter for the next 2 years.
Let’s all honor our veterans on Veteran’s Day and every day. Please consider attending the next chapter meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at the Mimi’s in Irvine at 7pm. In addition to an interesting speaker event, we will also announce the results of our Chapter Board Member elections.
In patriotism,
R. Scott Whitman