

The Loreto Presidio was the father to all the others in CA. It was the support base and message center for Alta California and frequently the capitol of the California Province. Those who served there sometimes alternated with service in Alta California. Those below marked with an * are known to have married or to have had children. Names of all those who served at Loreto, 1779-1783, have not been recovered; but they do seem to include:

Francisco Aguiar, Sergeant, at Real de Santa Ana (Doc 71)

Javier Aguilar (Doc 71)

Luis Aguilar (Doc 71)

Bernardino Alvarado* (Northrop I:6)

Javier Alvarado (Doc 71)

Josef Jazinto Amador (Doc 71)

Pedro Amador*, at Real de Santa Ana (Doc 71 and Northrop I:35)

Joaquin Arce/Arse (Doc 71)

Jose Gabriel Arce* of Loreto and Mission Guadalupe (Northrop I:30, and Crosby:18)

Sebastian Arce* of Loreto and Mission Mulege (Doc 71 and Crosby:19)

Ygnacio Arris (Doc 71)

Juan Antonio Maria Botiller*, Corporal (Doc 71 and Northrop II:31)

Miguel Camacho (Doc 71)

Juan Ygnacio Canedo (Doc 71)

Joaquin Canete, Lieutenant (Doc 71)

Joaquin Beltran Carabantes (probable relative of Salvador, below) (Schuetz-Miller:60)

Nicolas Beltran Carabantes (probable relative of Salvador, below) (Schuetz-Miller:60)

Salvador Manuel Carabantes* (Doc 71 and Schuetz-Miller:60)

Josef Ygnacio Carrillo (Doc 71)

Jose Macario Castro* (Doc 71 and Northrop I:108)

Juan Crisostomo de Castro* of Mission Todos Santos (Crosby:11)

Cristobal Cota (Doc 71)

Pedro Caetano Cota, at Real Santa Ana

Josef Maria Estrada, Ensign, (Doc 71)

Claudio Felis (Doc 71)

Ignacio Harris* of Mission El Rosario and Mission San Vicente (Crosby:8)

Josef Salvador Higuera* (Doc 71 and Northrop I:190)

Joaquin Higuera (Doc 71)

Ygnacio Higuera (Doc 71)

Antonio Hurias (Ives:145)

Juan Lopez (Doc 71)

Luis Lopez, Corporal (Doc 71)

Josef Antonio Lusero (Doc 71)

Josef Maria Mesa (Doc 71)

Juan Maria Mirando at Real de Santa Ana (Doc 71)

Pedro Mirando (Doc 71)

Josef Santiago Moreno (Doc 71) (see the similar name below)

Felipe Santiago Moreno*, soldier and master blacksmith who came to Alta California from Loreto by 1785 (Schuetz-Miller:83).

Javier Morillo (Doc 71)

Julian Morillo (Doc 71)

Josef Ramon de Noriega* of Loreto and Mission La Purisima (Doc 71 and Crosby:10)

Francisco Ochoa (Doc 71)

Francisco Osuna (Doc 71)

Juan Ysmerio Osuna* of Loreto and San Gabriel (Doc 71 and Northrop I:262)

Antonio Mirando Rodriquez* (Northrop II:247)

Juan Maria Romero*, came to Alta California in 1787. (Doc 71 and Northrop I:287)

Luis Romero (Doc 71)

Josef Manuel Ruiz (Doc 71)

Clemente Sales*, Mission Rosario, blacksmith/interpreter (his military status is not clearly defined. (Schuetz-Miller:96)

Josef Maria Salgada (Doc 71)

Rexis de SotoMayor (Doc 71)

Jose Velasquez*, Alfarez assigned from Loreto to the Frontera, guarding the passage north from San Fernando de Velicata to San Diego (not listed 1 April 1782).

Antonio Nasario Urias (Doc 71)

Jose Anastasio Verduzco*, Corporal, of Mission La Pasion (Doc 71 and Crosby:13).

Josef Miguel Yrive, at Real Santa Ana (Doc 71)

Several complete rosters for the 1779-1783 period are known to be available as “Extractos de Revista” at La Paz, Baja California Sur, Archivo Historico “Pablo L. Martinez.” These were extracted by Carmen Boone and first published in “Noticias Para Los Californianos,” January 1999. One roster is shown above, referenced as Doc 71. There were 46 soldiers on 1 April 1782 when Lt Canete made his report. In addition to the soldiers, Lt Canete also reported 21 naval persons under his jurisdiction:

From the Department of the Navy and Officials of the Maestranza (Navy Yard/Arsenal)

Carpintero de Rivera (shipbuilder carpenter) Francisco Morillo (working in Monterey)

Galafate (Caulker) Josef de la Cruz, present

Herrero (blacksmith) Juan Morillo, present

Crew of the sloop El Pilar (all were on a trip to San Blas)

Skipper (Master) Diego Perez;

Guardian (Keeper) Antonio Ballarta;

and the following mariners/sailors:

Josef Bernardo; Andres Cariaga; Tomas Cortes; Pasqual Montejano; Ygnacio Montejano;

Josef Manuel Orosco; Blas Osorio; and Pedro Rivera.

Second Crew of the Launch (all present). (The name of the launch was not given.)

Arraes (Captain) Salvador Gonzalez;

Arraes Retirado Pedro Regalado; and the following mariners/sailors:

Borja Candelaria; Juan Carpio; Manuel Covarrubias; Julian Maria Gonzalez; Jacovo Portillo; and Baltasar Rambres.

Bancroft in his “Annals of Baja California,” noted that Governor Neve in his Regulations has authorized the numbers of naval specialists and the persons for the sloop. Bancroft mentioned the lighter, San Juan Nepomuceno, stating that the crew was held ready for any emergency. He also mentioned a second lighter.

Bancroft also listed several officers of the Army who served in Baja California between 1779 and 1783 who were not on the above list of soldiers:

Francisco Alvarez y Osorio (comisario)

Jose Joaquin de Arrillaga (Captain from a TX Presidio)

Manuel de Azuela (Lieutenant of the Sante Fe (NM) Company)

Diego Gonzalez* (Lieutenant)

Felipe de Goycocchea* (Lieutenant)


AHBCS, Ramo Colonia, Leg.1, Doc 71, dated 1 April 1782 and signed by Joaquin Canete, by courtesy of Archivo Historico “Pablo L. Martinez”, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Paleography by Carmen Boone de Aguilar, 10 Aug 1998, with acknowledgements to Prof. Leonardo Reyes Silva, Director, AHBCS, and his very collaborative staff. First published as “Military and Naval Roster, Presidio of Loreto, 1 April 1782,” by Los Californianos in the January, 1999 issue of Noticias Para Los Californianos, and used with their permission.

Hubert Howe Bancroft, Vol XV:714-741, “Annals of Baja California,” History of the North Mexican States and Texas, in The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft, 1884.

Harry W. Crosby. Border Studies, 2, Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias, San Diego State University, “Doomed to Fail – Gaspar de Portola’s First California Appointees,” San Diego, CA, 1989.

Roland L. Ives, Jose Velasquez: Saga of a Borderland Soldier, Tucson, AZ, Southwestern Mission Research Center, 1984.

Marie Northrop. Spanish-Mexican Families of Early California, 1769-1850, Vol 1, revised 1987 and Vol 2, 1984. Southern California Genealogical Society, Burbank, CA.

Mardith K. Schuetz-Miller, Southwestern Mission Research Center. Building and Builders in Hispanic California, 1769-1850, Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation, Presidio Research Publication, Santa Barbara, CA, 1994.