May 2023

President’s message

Greetings Compatriots,

The chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary last month at the April chapter meeting.  We are thankful to the gentlemen who had the foresight and took the initiative to establish the South Coast Chapter.

Later in this newsletter I will provide details of what transpired at the CASSAR 148th Annual Meeting held in Costa Mesa.  The chapter won a number of awards, and I am extremely proud of our standing in the CASSAR.  

The chapter is making good progress supporting the NSSAR and CASSAR America 250 campaign.  Those in attendance at our chapter meetings and hearing the America 250 Minute receive points toward the award of a medal.  CASSAR is keen on the award of Flag Certificates.  Let’s do our part and make some awards.  A local business, friend or neighbor who flies the American Flag with pride is worthy of receiving this certificate.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  

In looking ahead, May 29th is Memorial Day.  Let us all take time to honor those who served and sacrificed their lives while fighting in the U.S. Armed Forces.  As some of you know this includes my mother’s brother and my father’s brother who both died in the line of duty during WWII.  The National Moment of Remembrance, established by Congress, asks Americans, wherever they are at 3 p.m., local time, on Memorial Day, to pause in an act of national unity for a duration of one minute to honor those who died in service to the United States.

Wishing you a wonderful no-COVID summer.  Hope to see you at our next chapter meeting, Tuesday, May 16th at Mimi’s in Irvine.  Also please remember that there are no chapter meetings during the summer and the next meeting after May is on September 19th.

In compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman

President, South Coast Chapter

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