President’s Message
Dear Compatriots,
Again, I hope all is well with you and yours. As I compose this month’s President’s message the outcome of the Presidential election is unknown. Thanks to our patriot ancestors we are blessed to live in a country where one is free to express one’s beliefs without fear of repression.
Due to the continuing pandemic the chapter meeting in November will be another Zoom meeting. Please try and set this time aside and join us in our virtual meeting. At the October meeting we showed Part 1 of a video made by the SAR French Society which relates the involvement of France in the American Revolution. We had improved attendance and hope more of you can participate at this month’s virtual meeting.
This month the chapter would normally hold an election of officers to serve on the Board for 2021-22. Also, due the pandemic, the Board decided to follow the lead of the NSSAR, not hold an election and have the current elected officers continue to serve in their present role until December 2021.
On November 11th our nation celebrates Veteran’s Day. Let’s all reflect on the importance and contribution of our veterans in protecting the freedoms we enjoy as a country. The USA is constantly under attack by its enemies. Thankfully, our Armed Forces are there to keep the enemy at bay.
This month we also celebrate Thanksgiving. This year the family gatherings will likely be different due to the pandemic but still a time to give thanks for family, friends and country. As a descendant of one of the passengers on Mayflower the holiday has an extra special meaning.
The November 17th chapter virtual meeting is the last meeting for 2020. Wishing you all remain safe, stay healthy and enjoy the holiday season as best we can with the restrictions on social gathering. Please pray for an end to the pandemic and a resumption of a near normal life in 2021.
Please stay safe everyone.
In patriotism,
R. Scott Whitman
South Coast SAR Monthly Meeting
7:00 PM, Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Zoom Video Conference Instructions
We will be using the Zoom Videoconferencing application for the South Coast SAR Monthly Meeting
Members will be emailed a meeting link, meeting ID and passcode.
State and National SAR News
November 13-14, 2020: The 145th Fall CASSAR Fall Board of Managers meeting planned for Rohnert Park, CA has now been canceled. The California Society will hold a Zoom virtual Board of Managers meeting on Saturday, November 14, 2020, beginning at 9:00 AM Pacific Time.
Upcoming Dates and Events.
Veterans Day – Wednesday, November 11: National holiday established by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 to commemorate the armistice that ended World War 1 on November 11, 1918.
November Zoom Meeting – Tuesday, November 17: See Page 1 for details
Thanksgiving Day – Thurs, November 26: Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. We are grateful for the many blessings that we have as Americans.
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day – Monday, December 7th: Let’s remember and honor those who lost their lives on December 7th, 1941.
Christmas Day – Friday, December 25th. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Please remember our servicemen and women who cannot be home because they are defending our country.
New Year’s Day- Friday, January 1st: Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
January Dinner (or Zoom) Meeting – Tuesday, January 19, 2021.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Here are 10 facts about General George Washington and the Continental Army’s famous crossing of the Delaware River on December 25-26, 1776
- Washington crossed the Delaware River so that his army could attack an isolated garrison of Hessian troops located at Trenton, New Jersey.
- Washington’s attack plan included three separate river crossings, but only one made it across.
- Spies and deserters had informed the British and Hessians that Trenton was likely to be attacked.
- Washington’s force used a collection of cargo boats and ferries to transport his men across the Delaware.
- Experienced watermen from New England and the Philadelphia area ably guided the boats across the challenging river.
- The crossing was made worse by the arrival of a strong storm that brought freezing rain, snow, and terrifying winds.
- Washington’s carefully planned timetable was woefully behind schedule and Washington contemplated canceling the attack.
- The Continentals brought a great quantity of artillery across the river.
- The Delaware River is less than 300 yards wide at the point where the army crossed.
- One of the most famous American paintings shows Washington and his army crossing the Delaware River.

Emanuel Leutze (American, Schwäbisch Gmünd 1816–1868 Washington, D.C.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York