November 2023

President’s Message

Greetings Compatriots,

As we approach the holiday season, we need to count our blessings and consider how fortunate we are to live in this great country.  Veteran’s Day is coming up on November 11th.  On this day we recognize the veterans who risked their lives to protect the freedoms and democracy we enjoy.  Your chapter Color Guard will be proudly supporting four (4) Veteran’s Day events.

Let us all continue to embrace the ideals of the Sons of the American Revolution which honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

Thanksgiving Day is next up on November 23rd.  On this day let’s also give thanks for our patriot ancestors who fought to establish the United States of America.  There are a number of myths perpetuated regarding the first Thanksgiving celebrated in 1621.  Pilgrims did not wear black clothing with buckled hats and shoes, but only wore black and grey garb on Sundays, the feasting did not take place on one day but for about a week, with local Indians coming and going. Turkey was not served during the many meals and most food likely consisted of duck, venison, fish and corn.  No one knows for sure. Traditional Thanksgiving food came to us via Sarah Josepha Hale’s editorials in Godey’s Lady’s Book in the 19th century. 

The SAR South Coast Chapter election is in progress.  The 2024-25 Board of Directors will be announced at the November 21 chapter meeting.  Our chapter will have a new President and VP of Programs for 2024-25.  We are thankful for our very capable volunteers who donate their time and expertise to manage the affairs of the chapter.  

As a reminder the chapter does not meet in December so the next newsletter will be distributed in early January.  

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to All,

In compatriotism,

R. Scott Whitman

President, South Coast Chapter

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