Vice President’s Message
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas. The new board of chapter officers were announced at our November meeting. At our January meeting, we will have the new officers sworn in to their positions by a SAR State Officer. I would like to see all the officers attend.
The January meeting will take place at our new meeting location on WEDNESDAY, January 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Our meetings will now be held at Mimi’s Café, 22651 Lake Forest Dr., Lake Forest (n/w corner of Lake Forest Dr. & Muirlands Blvd). The 3rd Tuesday was already booked for January. We will be back on our normal 3rd Tuesday of the month for the rest of the year.
Mimi’s Café has offered us lunch and dinner menus in the price range from $13.99 to $20.99 before tax and gratuity. These menus include coffee, tea, lemonade or soft drinks plus a house salad, Caesar salad or cup of soup. We will still collect the $5.00 from our members to help defray the speaker’s meal cost. Mimi’s Café management has requested that our group pay with one bill. Bunny and I have calculated the tax (7.75%) and gratuity (18%) for each menu item. Please make your personal checks out to ‘South Coast Chapter’. The meeting room is more private and hopefully, we can hear the presentations. Lastly, the bar is next to our meeting room and if you order drinks not on the menu, please pay the host/hostess separately.
I know this is a lot to take in, but I’m sure that we will all settle in to the routine after a few meetings. I hope to see everyone there to support our new chapter president and officers.
In Compatriotism,
Leon Smith
Chapter Activities
In attendance at our November meeting was past CASSAR President Jim Fosdyck and his wife Un Hui Yi. In addition, CASSAR Vice President South Brian Stephens and his wife Diane was in attendance.
Our November speaker, Diane Stephens, gave an excellent presentation on the life of First Lady Dolley Madison, Wife of President James Madison. Our chapter presented to Diane a Certificate of Appreciation. Diane Stephens is shown below, in period costume, with Compatriots Steve Steinberg and Leon Smith.

At the dinner meeting, Chapter Registrar Leon Smith inducted the Father and Son team of Kevin and Nolan Forrest. Their patriot ancestor served in the following positions: Member of Committee of Correspondence, 1774; Member of Committee Reporting to General Court, 1776 to 1779; Delegate to the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention; and Member of the Council, Massachusetts Senate, 1780 to 1783. We want to welcome Kevin and Nolan to our chapter and hope to see them at our dinner meetings. Shown below with Leon Smith is the Forrest family:

In addition to inducting two new members, Leon Smith presented supplemental certificates to the following compatriots:
- Andy Bailey, who is a charter member of our chapter, for his patriot ancestor, Archelaus Gilliam who served as a private in the 6th Virginia under Captains Thomas Patterson, Samuel J. Cahill, and Colonel Mordecai Buckner from 1775 to the summer of 1777; was a private in General Morgan’s Rifle corps from the summer of 1777 to Christmas of 1777 and served under Captains Charles Patterson and Adam Clements for 3 months in 1781. Achelaus substituted for his brother, Charles. Archelaus Gilliam was engaged in the Battles of Trenton, Princeton, Saratoga, Edge Hill and Ninety Six.
- Steven Steinberg received two Supplemental Certificates for his patriot ancestors (1) Thomas Walker, Jr. who served in Virginia as a member of the House of Committee of Safety; Delegate to Revolution Convention, 1775 to 1776; and Delegate to Assembly 1782 and (2) Henry fry who served in Virginia as a Member of the House of Burgess, 1765; Delegate to General Assembly for Culpeper County, VA; Civil Officer clerk of Culpeper County, VA; and furnished supplies. This is Steven’s 5th and 6th supplemental certificate.
Pictures of Andy Bailey and Steven Steinberg are shown below

During appreciates the effort of Leon on assisting new members and assisting compatriot members in obtaining supplemental certificates. below are the Shown recognizing his sponsorship of new members. Each medal represents the sponsorship of 10 new members. Our chapter Leon Smith and Brian Stephens:dinner meeting, CASSAR Vice President South Brian Stephens presented to Chapter Registrar, Leon Smith a Liberty Certificate and two Liberty Medals,